
Protecting Children in your School and on International Projects



Full course description

Who is this training package for?
This course is suitable for school teachers who want to learn about child protection and staff with experience of international school partnerships work.

What will it cover?
This module has been developed to be relevant to schools internationally.  The material covered is based on international child protection law and international research.  The primary source of inspiration and information is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

Through this course you will be able to:

·         Understand how the way we see childhood, children, their experiences and their rights affects our ability to protect them.

·         Identify the different types of child abuse and the effects these have on children’s lives.

·         Recognise the signs and symptoms, risk factors and vulnerabilities, which may indicate a child in your class is suffering abuse.

·         Response appropriately when you think, or you are told, that a child in your class is being abused.

·         Identify the key steps that you can take to protect children in your classroom and online.

·         Identify best practice in child protection online and on international projects.

How long will it take?

This course can be used in a variety of ways, depending on how much time you have and how much detail you want. The five sections (including 20 key activities) can be completed in a minimum of 2 hours.

This course is designed as a basic introduction to child protection within schools. It is informative only and does not offer a certificate.

Sign up for this course today.
