
An Introduction to Core Skills for Leaders

Ended Jan 7, 2022

Full course description

Who is this training package for?

School leaders who want to learn more about the core skills for students and how to embed them effectively in their schools.

What will it cover?

Learn about the six core skills that research shows are essential for preparing young people to live and work in today’s globalised economy:

  • critical thinking and problem solving
  • citizenship
  • collaboration and communication
  • digital literacy
  • creativity and imagination
  • student leadership and personal development.

The training package explores the importance of the core skills within an educational context. It also introduces tools for monitoring and assessing how well they are being supported in your school and strategies to improve core skills provision. 

What will it teach me about core skills?

  • What they are and how they apply to real life
  • Why they are essential for students
  • How they can be mapped to different areas of the curriculum
  • Ways of assessing and monitoring how well they are being taught and supported in your school
  • How to develop strategies to improve core skills provision.

The training package will also introduce the idea of a ‘plan – teach – reflect’ cycle and will give you the opportunity to develop activity plans for you to use with your teachers.

What will I take away?

The training package will help you create an effective learning environment that is supportive of introducing new student skills and new teaching approaches by focusing on key ‘Leadership for Learning’ principles:

  • Maintaining a focus on learning
  • Creating conditions favourable to learning
  • Creating a dialogue about learning and leadership for learning
  • Practice shared leadership
  • Encourage a sense of shared accountability.

Practical information

Before accessing this training package, please register with British Council Schools Online.


  • Online study – 2 weeks (4/5 hours study per week)
  • School-based activities: 4 weeks
Before starting, we recommend you find a learning partner who can offer you support and advice throughout the training course. This could be an existing colleague who you can meet with regularly to discuss your progress.

Please note: You will need to use one of the following web browsers to access the training package: 

  • Internet Explorer 10 and 11 (Edge support begins September 28; IE 10 will be discontinued on November 21)
  • Chrome 44 and 45
  • Safari 7 and 8
  • Firefox 39 and 40 (Extended Releases are not supported)
  • Flash 17 and 18 (for recording or viewing audio/video and uploading files)
  • Respondus Lockdown Browser (supporting the latest system requirements)

You may start this training package at any time.